Prince, a queer Black Peruvian, on what they’ve been experiencing the last few days. English transcript in thread.
“Hello bbs, how are you? Prince here from Peru. A few days ago a dictator entered the presidency that the people had not elected.”
“We are going through an extremely terrible crisis but the Afro, indigenous, queer, travestís, lesbians, cuirs from here in Peru and different parts — not only in Lima, but also in the Province — are making ourselves present, we are going to march.”
“The policemen have been super aggressive towards us. They have thrown tear gas canisters at us. We are traveling with water with bicarbonate, lemon, masks because the truth is we are simply going to protest peacefully but they attack us that way.”
“Please share, let the world know what we are going through and that they are repressing us but that we are not going to stop. Much love from Peru.”
Prince alongside other queer and trans Peruvians are currently sharing live footage on my Instagram account which is the same handle as my Twitter, “MigrantScribble.” Check out the stories & help amplify.
You can follow @MigrantScribble.
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