Twitter is the best university in the world.

Tuition is free.

Professors are everywhere.

They teach every topic known to humanity.

If you know where to find it and who to follow.

Here are 12 of my favorite professors, accompanied by one of my favorite of their tweets.
Mark Manson ( @IAmMarkManson)doesn't just teach on Twitter, but he shares great content here. His advice is practical, brash, and almost always spot-on.
Here's another from Mark. This idea will come back later in this thread, too. You'll notice a lot of the best teachers here admit they don't know what they're doing. That's a theme.
Aaron ( @AyAy_Ron69) is someone I've started following recently, and his advice will motivate you to actually start taking care of yourself. I'm taking this dare myself right now.
This is a second post from Aaron that's even broader. For all my friends in their 20s, this is huge advice. Listen to the man.
I own Make it Stick from Charles ( @writingtoriches) and it's helped me refocus what I'm writing and working on. Twitter is an amazing tool if used right.

This man can really take you from writing to riches.
He shares some really good thoughts and ideas on peace, writing, and happiness. He's more than an English teacher I'll tell you that much. The rest I'll let him tell you himself in his feed.
Dan is a great guy. @thedankoe can help you learn how to make money online doing anything. Do what you love well and he's a great example of that.
He also has such good advice for my friends in their 20s.

We need to take advantage of our youth and set our lives up for the future.

That's the key.
Jose Rosado ( @joserosado) first taught me that making money online was possible. He's changed my outlook on productivity and what's possible by being relentless with his advice.
You become what you practice every day, and Jose has taught me that from day one.
Steve Pratley ( @stephenpratley) was one of the first people I ran across on Twitter this summer that said, "you can start a business on Twitter." It's taken me several months for it to sink in, but he's still as right as he was in July.
Naval ( @naval) is the OG. I was turned on to his work by @LaneKimbro a couple of years ago, and he teaches meditation and mindset maybe better than anyone.
Naval has helped me sleep better, think better, eat better, and live better. He's not polite, but he's undoubtedly worth following. When something is offensive, find the truth in it.
Sahil ( @shl) founded Gumroad, which I'm about to launch a course on. He's provided a space for thousands of entrepreneurs to share their products with better profit margins.

He's also extremely wise.
In case you needed a reminder to start a business, Sahil has that for you. With @gumroad and Twitter, it's easier than ever. You don't need to radically change your life before it starts.

Although you might change your life simply by starting.
Ty Tweed ( @TyTweed) has some really great threads and advice. This thread has helped me think about persuasion more effectively and be a better writer. He tends to teach those sorts of things pretty well.
David Mendes ( @YouActualized) has a really cool story. I love his message, and he's really kind.

Also, he's got a ton of wisdom. Pay attention.
This man right here Salman, ( @daretorant) has some really good threads and is super honest that it doesn't always go well for him. I love following his message and staying up to date on what he's working on this week.
Listen to the story guy! @pradologue tells great stories and is a blast to read.

Read how books changed his life and give him the follow. It'll help you learn.
If you liked this thread and learned from it, follow everyone in it and give the top post a RT!
You can follow @JoelSigristFF.
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