“Lefty rhetoric (socialism, defund police) hurt Dems down-ballot.”

Show your work, Max. https://twitter.com/maxboot/status/1326937081357225990
Lots of people just completely missing the point of this tweet, so let me break it down:

Which of the losing candidates were specifically running on a “defund the police”/“let’s implement socialism” platform? None? I think the answer is none.
If your advice is for candidates to stop running on rhetoric that they are already not running on, then you’re not really offering much insight at all.
Candidates aren’t responsible for every single thing someone marching in the street says https://twitter.com/adammantine/status/1327015676029018112
So the source of this issue is... (you’re almost there...) https://twitter.com/realdougfryer/status/1327015919286161408
No, that is stupid. https://twitter.com/mitch_mcconneii/status/1327015694190473217
This. This is the answer. This is the thing that no one wants to acknowledge. It’s not what policies Dems are running on. It’s not what Dems say in their ads. It’s not how often Dems reject a certain message.

It’s the propaganda network. https://twitter.com/2020trumpvirus/status/1327015799194873856
How many times did Biden and Harris loudly reject claims that they were going to defund the police and ban fracking?
The point here is that no matter how many times people clarify what their positions are, Fox and the rest of the right-wing ecosystem will continue churning out content saying that’s what they do believe.
These aren’t “Dem slogans,” though. https://twitter.com/ok_dumbass/status/1327018527782481928
It’s really not a matter of branding or messaging. It’s a matter of the right having a massive platform to spread their messaging from and there being absolutely nothing comparable on the left. https://twitter.com/Deathtoad007/status/1327018295099330566
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