ZUCKERBERG! Steve Bannon HAS VIOLATED ENOUGH policies to be suspended from Facebook.

“We have specific rules around how many times you need to violate certain policies before we will deactivate your account completely” Zuckerberg said.

Let's read your "Community Guidelines": https://twitter.com/donwinslow/status/1327007815798382592
What is the point of your guidelines, @Facebook if you do not enforce them? As @MarietjeSchaake pointed out, what if it wasn't Bannon who was saying this or perhaps someone who wasn't white... https://twitter.com/MarietjeSchaake/status/1326567489443155969?s=20
Bannon has not only peddled conspiracy theories, doesn't want to accept the results of the #Election2020 , welcomed possible QAnon guests on his show, disputed the origins of #COVID19, but threatened the life of two top U.S. nonpartisan officials. Enough is enough. #BanBannon
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