To understand why I’m so angry, I want to explain what it’s been like for me the past 8 months, as a person who is at risk but doesn’t neatly fit into one risk group. As a person with a son in grundskolan and a husband who works at IKEA.

(this will be long)

I had breast cancer 2016-17 and it left me with a busted immune system that was slowly getting better. But my lungs remained fragile. Every time I catch a cold or virus, it turns into a respiratory infection that lasts minimum 2 months.

For years I have already been on high alert during cold and flu season. I’m the hand washing police, we get the flu vaccine every year, and I got both pneumonia vaccines. As soon as covid emerged, I knew if I got infected that it would not be good.

My vårdcentral doctor scoffed at my concerns and said I’d be fine. Then listed all of the FHM dictated risk groups that I wasn’t a part of, while ignoring the ongoing investigation of my lungs.

When infections exploded in Sweden I prepared for the schools to close, like they were doing everywhere else in the world. But Tegnell didn’t close the schools. Then inevitably I got a call from my son’s school to go pick him up because he was sick.

We live in a small apartment so me and my husband were quickly infected too. They recovered after 5 weeks. My condition worsened. I was monitored by an infection dr at vårdcentral and was told after each visit if I got even slightly worse my next stop was directly to the ER.

I didn’t get worse but I never fully recovered. I’m still sick. I’m being tested/treated by different doctors and a specialist asthma nurse. I wear a mask everywhere, but Linköping hospital has always had constant outbreaks and is not safe. I have no choice, I need these tests.
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