Dear fucking idiots:

When you donate to Trump's "election defense" fund, $0 goes to the fund. Your money gets split between the RNC and Trump's PAC, which he KEEPS. Says so on the website you're donating to. He's robbing you and you're cheering for it.

You fucking idiots.
Want proof? Here you go!

Of course, you won't believe this is proof. You'd rather let a poor man who claims he's rich steal your money because you so desperately want to believe he cares about you.
Meanwhile, the people you care about the least - people like me - are TRYING to get you to stop letting him steal from you. We're TRYING to get you to see that he's a con-man using you. We are showing you proof.

And instead you buy his dumb hat and put it on your dumber head.
So go ahead and "fund" his pointless recount efforts (which don't actually cost much). Just like you "funded" the wall which was never built, when the guy with the GoFundMe kept the money.

We did what we could to warn you. Go ahead and give Donald Trump your last $20.
When you give Donald Trump your last $20, that will be $20 you can't donate to support the next Neo-Nazi running for senate or Q-Anon huckster running for congress.

A fool and his money are soon parted?


You fucking idiots.
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