I really love when people invoke the history of World War II to make a hilariously wrong point https://twitter.com/ksorbs/status/1326959404986535938
Here's the nicest thing the French who opposed fascism did after the war: they cancelled 50,000 people.
Across Europe ethnic Germans and collaborators were ethnically cleansed. Women who had relations with German soldiers (often times to feed their families!) were publicly shamed. If you worked in gov under Nazi rule, your best case scenario was being blackballed for years.
I will leave to your imagination what partisans, Jewish and gentile, from France to Belarus, did to collaborators and Nazi soldiers that they got their hands on.
Nobody is advocating for any of that in America.

What they're calling for is investigations and fair trials for those who may have committed crimes.

And for not sweeping it under the rug for those in positions of influence who enabled those crimes.
But if you're going to be invoking anti-fascist sentiment from the WW2 era to dissuade folks from supporting these mild measures of accountability, understand that you're not making the point you think you are.
I leave you with an excellent Daniel Kahn song on the possibilities and perils of 1945.
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