I’ve just turned 59. I’ve voted Labour since I was old enough to vote. I voted for Kinnock, Blair, Brown and Miliband. I always thought the Labour party was my party, and to some extent it always was.
OK, it didn’t really fit what I thought was ideal, it was a compromise, but it was always going to be infinitely preferable to the other available options.
So when Corbyn came along, I supported Corbyn. I didn’t go to any rallies, I didn’t chant ‘Ooooh Jeremy Corbyn’, I just supported the democratically elected leader of the party I support, as I’ve done my whole adult life, and I naively assumed others would do the same.
Turns out I was wrong. The party I had thought of as ‘mine’ wasn’t mine at all. The smiling faces I’d always thought of as on my side became vicious liars, smearing me and anyone else who supported Corbyn.
The hate campaign is still active. The Hodges, the Smeeths, the Bergers, these appalling and monstrous liars are still there, spewing out their hate, making sickening, monstrous accusations.
Worse was to come, the revelation that some inside the party *actively worked for Labour’s defeat in 2017*. They’re still in the party too.
I naively thought BBC was, basically, fair. I never really believed people who complained they were biased, I thought it was probably pretty neutral overall. Guardian the same.
Turns out I was wrong about that too. BBC became just another snarling animal, ripping the left to bloody shreds, lying, smearing, hating. The filthy liars who were accusing were never challenged, their ridiculous claims and sickening accusations simply reported as news.
I naively thought the left would at least be given a hearing, that we would be able to debate policy, like adults.
Strike three. Wrong. Policy was drowned out by the animalistic howling of religious fundamentalists and their cynical boosters. Anytime anyone on the left tried to talk about policy, up would go that deafening, bestial howl - ‘Antisemite!’ - and that’s all that would happen.
So I’ve given up on UK politics and media. It’s a filthy swamp of bad-faith actors, opportunistic careerists and cynical political thugs intent on preventing genuine political debate from happening, presumably because they know left policies are massively popular.
There’ll never be a left government in the UK, not while Hodge and Smeeth and BBC and Guardian and the rest of the army of professional liars that makes up our political class and media are triumphant.
If Labour is least bad next GE, they’ll grudgingly get my vote if I bother to vote at all, but for the first time in my life, I probably won’t. What’s the point? The Labour party that used to be ‘mine’ is now ‘theirs’.
It has nothing to do with me anymore, and I really couldn’t care less which mob of state-sanctioned liars gets in next time.

Fuck them all.

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