Some thoughts on Oladipo:
1. Does he need to curb his ego? Yes.
2. Did he tell players from other teams he wants to play for them? Hard to say. He says he didn't, but reports say he did.
3. Did he want a trade? Probably when the season ended, but ...
4. ... although he was frustrated by McMillan's offense, as were teammates, the fact he called Nate Bjorkgren shortly after the coaching change and reportedly had a positive conversation means something. ...
... and this is the primary point lost in this controversy. Even if he did tell the team earlier he wants out, that doesn't mean he does now.
5. Do the Pacers have to trade him? Of course not. Better to let the upcoming season play out w/ the new coach. ...
6. Should the Pacers trade him? Only if a no-brainer deal emerges. They likely wouldn't be as fortunate as when Paul George wanted out because of Oladipo' contract (one year left) and injury history. ...
7. Should he speak up? Absolutely. If he wants to stay, have a Zoom call with reporters. Silence only magnifies suspicions and rumors and enables media members and fans to fill the void with overreactions. At minimum, a clearly-stated prepared statement via the Pacers PR dept.
8. What are the long-term ramifications? Not good for Oladipo. The Pacers have 4 players earning $20M or more per season and T.J. Warren becomes a free agent in two years. Something will have to give by then and VO will need to prove he's worth a mega contract to stay. BUT
9. Kobe Bryant and other "stars" have "demanded" trades only to have everything calm down later. This could pass, too. Circumstances and emotions can change quickly.

10. I don't have a tenth thought, but there's a rule somewhere that no list can stop at nine. So here you go.
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