THREAD: things to do, to make christmas a little bit more special when times are hard 👇👇👇👇
outdoor fire with marshmallows
every year, each kid gets to pick a new bauble which can be added to their collection. when they leave home, they can take the baubles with them to start their own collection
make some reindeer food (oats & glitter), and find out when the international space station passes above your head. when it’s time, tell your kids that santa is flying above, and throw the reindeer food into the garden. clean up before they wake up again.
movie advent calendar, write down the names of 24 films and watch them accordingly
buy each other a book on christmas eve, from a charity shop. it gives everyone something to unwrap on christmas eve and then you can spend the night reading. it can be difficult finding books, that’s the fun
every family member gets to make their own recipe (cake, pudding, stuffing)
the family then can argue whose is best, and it can be made on christmas day
bake together, one member per task!
make a secret santa for the household
due to covid, we can’t be together. so, create a zoom group videocall for all the family members, set up on the tv with cameras and have a laugh and a joke.
do a christmas treasure hunt.

hide (small and cheap) presents around the house, make sure nobody is looking. each person has different coloured wrapping, so you know who’s is whose. write down where you’ve put them!

the person who finds them all first, gets to go shopping.
arts and craft: make things to put on the tree
wrap up, and go on a covid-safe family walk on boxing day, the longer the distance, the better!
play board games: pictionary is popular!... or cards against humanity :)
decorate the house together, colours red, white and green
make a christmas branch! find a tree, take some branches home and then paint them, add glitter and tinsel. place into a plant pot.
get a toy santa, and hide it (not too obscure). the next person who finds it has to hide it in another place without alerting the house. carry on until forgotten
go camping... in your garden, or park! make sure to wrap up and bring a stove
decorate a chocolate log together
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