Shelton is actually more clear-headed than many. She recognizes that once you have things like deposit insurance and a central bank, then your financial system can longer be described as a market mechanism for guiding investment via price signals. 1/
Most "serious" people don't grapple with this. They think you can support deposit insurance and central banking as yet still treat the financial system as a private for-profit market in terms of regulatory and economic policy. Which is how you get Wall St in its current form. 2/
Shelton's problem is that she's a utopian: If deposit insurance and central banking stand in the way of the financial system being a true market, then get rid of them. Nevermind we created them because in their absence the system tore itself apart with repeated bank runs. 3/
This is what a Polanyi was getting at: A "true market" in finance will destroy society. It's unworkable. So society evolves away from a true market. But pretending finance remains a market despite that evolution creates its own problems. 4/
In other words, Shelton's arguments, crazy as they seem, are clarifying. By insisting on the impossible utopian solution to the contradiction, Shelton inadvertently points to the actual solution: Treat the financial system as a public utility. 5/5
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