You know it’s funny, I’ve been thinking about expertise today and how it’s valued differently.

An electrician came to my flat to fix my boiler and a radiator. He explained what was wrong and how he was going to fix it. Great, I said, and said thanks when he was done.
Now he knows I’m a doctor. He knows I went to medical school. I’ve got my books out because I’m studying. So he asked me what I thought of coronavirus and I told the honest truth: that it’s a very serious disease that’s killing a lot of people.
And he tells me he thinks the media have overblown it. I point out that it seems like that because lockdown and restrictions were successful and continue to be the only way to control it. He says his mum got it and it wasn’t bad! Her asthma is a bit worse now tho, that’s it.
I tell him there are unknown long term effects on fit young people like ourselves and his wee apprentice. Long term cognitive and respiratory issues that we actually don’t know yet. You want to damn a generation with an avoidable disability?
He starts mentioning how the vaccine is out and how I feel and I’m like “Yes, it’s great news, 90% is a really good number.” And he’s like “Don’t you think it’s all a bit quick?”
So now I have to explain to my electrician that we have made advances in technology, like CRISPR, and planning in advance so that steps can move simultaneously. It would be like if he came to see my radiator knowing what was wrong and having the part already. It requires effort
but it means a process can move more efficiently if you already know what’s ahead. This scenario has been planned for vaccine/treatment wise. It’s why we have gotten one so fast.
And I could still see the disbelief on his face and I told him not only would I get it ASAP I would recommend everyone do it if they get the opportunity.
He had to leave at that point but here’s the thing. I let this man, a stranger, into my house to fix my radiator and boiler. He’s trusted enough to have an apprentice. But me, with ma wee five year degree, wasn’t trusted enough in reciprocation to impart good sound knowledge.
I don’t know if it’s a gender thing, an age thing, seeing a doctor in trackie bottoms and t shirt desperately trying to do laundry thing. But if you ask me a subject which I know about and don’t appreciate when I tell you the truth in an accessible fashion I will feel miffed.
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