THREAD on #Jordan: Minister of Interior resigns as security forces descend across the country to put an end to post-election chaos that has clashed with ongoing lockdown. The State will have to either lift the lockdown or enforce it (at invitation of many) with an "iron fist"...
...What does an "iron fist" mean? Unable to arrest every lockdown violator, the State will likely make examples of a select few, offering up enough sacrificial lambs to quell the unrest. None of this will help restore the eroding public confidence in the new govt & parliament...
...The sheer costs of this week are incalculable. Costs of uncertainties, shutting down the economy for 4 days (minimum) & the impact on unemployment, debt, education, workers, parents, the country's reputation, but above all, the cost of human life in the next few weeks alone...
.. #COVID19 numbers remain high & experts expect to see the ramifications hit mid-next week. So while its busy hitting the street to restore order, the State's 2nd battle will be to brace its teetering health care system for inevitable impact. So what did we gain from all this?...
..A declining 29% voter turnout that saw losses to women & parties, & an historically unrepresentative parliament with limited powers, to act as a rubber-stamp for policies it has no real control over. We've also put the country's health at greater risk & legitimized State force.
...I hope this ends well for everyone in #Jordan, but for the first time I'm honestly worried. The State is in the security business & quelling unrest is its forte. Managing the spread of a virus as a RESULT of that unrest is not. I pray everyone stays safe during this storm.
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