As a lot of discussions already started on what to expect from #Biden within the #transatlantic relationship, let me list few ideas I laid out for @WashInstitute about what it could specifically mean in the #MiddleEast :
(I’ll paste in this thread some excerpts of a longer paper on Europe-US cooperation in the #MiddleEast since the end of the Cold War, available here 👇)
1/ A key prerequisite to reset the transatlantic dialog on the #MiddleEast : the ball is in Europe’s court to make concrete proposals on a limited list of priorities. (cc @jbdacey)
2/ Transatlantic partners have to think specifically on their method of coordination on the #MiddleEast. The framework isn’t really there beyond some strong bilateral channels of cooperation. MENA is a region were small Europeans coalitions are very relevant (cc @ErikBrattberg)
3/ Define what “great power competition” means in the #MiddleEast. Europe has to acknowledge that #China is the US foreign policy priority but Washington should explain the specific trade offs (cc @tobiaschneider) it implies in MENA (cc @MichaelSinghDC).
4/ A hard truth Europeans have to take into consideration is that they have a credibility issue in DC Middle East expert circles (cc @JyShapiro). Unity, effectiveness & better explaining the relevance of the existing European policy toolbox will be key to address this.
5/ Be specific on #burdensharing. The #NATO 2% GDP target isn’t really relevant for coop in the #MiddleEast. I think @jana_puglierin & @ClaudMajor will agree we have to focus on specific capabilities, interoperability and shared political assessments.
6/ A larger but essential part of these discussions is to clarify US positions regarding European *operational* autonomy. (cc @jeffdlightfoot & @OlivierR_Bel)
7/ Speaking of a renewed transatlantic agenda should be done with great *humility*. Grand Western schemes for the #MiddleEast are ineffective, counterproductive & outdated. Let’s rather push for a more targeted & effective cooperation in sync with bilat relations in the region.
8/ Focus on few priorities: the #JCPoA & regional deescalation ( #Iraq #Syria #Yemen #Libya) through coordinated shuttle diplomacy & jointly shaped formats of regional dialogs with Middle East actors. (cc @EllieGeranmayeh @elisacatalano44 @kaleighsthomas @ilangoldenberg)
9/ A third priority should also be to set a shared agenda within multilateral institutions active in the #MiddleEast (UN, WB, IMF, WHO...) to address structural governance issues & post #COVID recovery. (Cc @ChristianHanelt)
10/ This is just the start of a discussion on which all the colleagues tagged have published great articles. There is however not much time: regional foreign policies will factor Biden’s victory in but they might still create new facts on the ground & not wait for January. (End)
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