Before we start examining Nature's Calendar, that has been used by our hunter/foraging forest dwelling ancestors for most of time immemorial, first let's briefly look at the modern calendar and how it has been changed by Roman emperors and popes.
I will show that even this severely modified calendar still reveals that its original origin was Nature's Calendar. And that these nonsensical man-made innovations are nothing more than civilization's foolish attempt, of mere men, to make a declaration of dominance over Nature.
One elementary proof is in the Roman numeral names of the months. Counting to ten in Latin: One is unus, two is duo, three is tres, four is quattuor, five is quinque, six is sex, seven is septem, eight is octo, nine is novem and ten is decem.
September, October, November, and December literally read seven, eight, nine and ten but in the modern calendar they occur two months after of their namesake.
It can be seen; and historical sources also validate; that for the ancients, the year did not began in January. Rather it began with the Spring Equinox; with the emerging seeds and many births taking place in nature at that time. Hence the resulting two month shift.
An issue that I would like to address here is, the patterns of nature are obvious by observation; people can think whatever they want about how these patterns happen. Traditional round earth or flat earthers may disagree on the how, but the same patterns are obvious to both.
I never publically share my opinions because too many people approach their ‘how’ viewpoint like it's a religion. I try to avoid unnecessary divisiveness in the interests of the bigger picture. Since the round earth is the most commonly accepted, that is what will be used here.
NATURE'S SEASONS (Solstice and Equinoxes)
To our ancient ancestors were only two seasons, Summer (with the daylight longer than the nights) and Winter (with the nights longer than the daylight), with the equinoxes being the dividing line.
Equinoxes happen twice a year, when daytime and nighttime are of approximately equal duration. The Spring Equinox is the day of moving from Winter to Summer. The Autumn Equinox is the day of moving from Summer to Winter.
In Nature's patterns the rebirth of the Sun is at the Winter Solstice. That is because the daylight hours once again are starting to grow longer; the death cycle of the sun is reversed. This is certainly a cause for celebration; yet night still dominates and ...
there are three bleak and desolate months left until the Spring Equinox. Cold dark months, where staying alive is a reality above all the other months; a time when nature decides who had the intelligence, ingenuity, and had put in the hard work to be worthy of survival.
It is not until after the Spring Equinox that the Sun’s daylight hours, begin once again to dominate over the night. The time period of the Spring Equinox until the next rebirth of the Sun at the Winter Solstice is nine months.
This nine month pattern of; emerging life, growth, decline, and death; did not go unnoticed by our ancestors. Human gestation is 40 weeks (280 days). A lunar cycle (month) is 29.53 days. So 9.48 moons (months) is the gestation period.
Our ancestors held both the numbers 9 and 10 as representative of it; 9 gained predominance because of the time between the Spring Equinox and the Winter Solstice (rebirth of the sun) is 9 months.
NATURE'S MOONS The word month is etymologically derived from the word Moon. A Moon (month) cycle begins and ends with the first observable crescent of the renewed Moon. Not a new Moon, no historical evidence suggests that any ancient people thought that a different moon appeared.
Our ancient ancestors believed in continuous circular cycles of death and rebirth and not in a linear beginning from nothing and an ending into a permanent state of nothingness.
It should also be obvious at this point that modern months, ranging anywhere from 28 to 31 days, are disconnected from the Moon cycles and are a result of man-made intervention in Nature's calendar.
Over time the other months were changed from Latin numbers to Latin names. January comes from Janus, the dual-faced Roman god who looks at what is ahead and behind at the same time. February come from Februa, a Roman springtime festival of purification.
March comes from Mars, the Roman god of war; an advantageous time of the year to start military campaigns. April comes from Aperire, a Latin word meaning to open; in reference to spring flowers and tree buds. May comes from Maia, the Roman goddess if nurturing and growth.
June come from Juno; vital energy, protectress of the State, goddess of war. July and August take their names from Julius and Augustus Caesar (Emperor gods).
The Gregorian Calendar was a Papal adjustment to the Julian Calendar. It more accurately set the leap year cycle and dropped some days to reset the calendar, to get back in sync to the Catholic setting of Easter; ...
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