Today is East Turkistan's Independence Day, which unfortunately we cannot celebrate the same way a normal free nation would - since we're still brutally occupied.

Our ancestors, many of whom were prominent ulema (Islamic scholars), gave their lives re-establishing our
independence through the East Turkistan Republics of 1933 and 1944, which were shortly crushed by the Chinese state.

Photo Source: Anwar Yusuf Turani
Establishment of the 1944 East Turkistan Republic, which lasted 5 years until the CCP came to power in 1949

Photo source: Anwar Yusuf Turani
Government officials of the second ET Republic, 1946

Photo source: Anwar Yusuf Turani
The Ministers of the East Turkistan Islamic Republic, 1933
Sawut Damullam (third from right): Prime Minister

Photo source: Anwar Yusuf Turani
Paper currency issued by the Government of the East Turkistan Islamic Republic, 1933
Passport issued by the Government of the East Turkistan Islamic Republic, 1933
Amir Mohammad Emin Bughra and his army, Khotan, 1930s
High ranking officers in the national army, 1945
A military parade in Khotan, East Turkestan
General Mahmut Muhiti (1877-1945), the Commander-in-Chief of the East Turkistan National Army

Kashgar, 1933
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