Thanks to the organiser, this was an interesting one to watch. The world of #hydrogen start ups is...weird. My observations below.
@MarceloRochaLu1 from BASF introduces methane pyrolysis. Certainly appears to be most energy efficient, but I reckon it can only work in presence of a large offtaker of carbon black byproduct. Currently, that's not a huge market. Still one to watch.
@hydrogenLOHC is enthusiastic about the future of hydrogen, using demand assumptions of 500 TWh/yr by 2050 for Germany. That's about five times my own prediction.

But anyway, hydrogenation round trip costs 21kWh/kg, or 54% of H2 energy content. Significant.
Proof energy, a fuel cell start up, claiming batteries are not up to task in medium and heavy duty EVs.

But their battery assumptions are the sort of stuff @AukeHoekstra debunks regularly.
Here, another start up, Keyou, which produces hydrogen combustion engines.

How to make a battery alternative look more expensive? Cell density: 100 Wh/kg, cost 500 eur/kWh. Also, the bus has to charge on residential electricity rate while hydrogen gets producer rates.
There is a lot of hype around hydrogen still. Don't skip on due diligence.
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