1/ Something new!

I am beginning what is planned to be a daily/semi-daily archaeological thread about various archaeological sites & topics from the all over the world.
You are free to comment, ask questionds like, RT, share on other platforms and invite friends to join. >>
2/ >> Almost everyone is familiar with the heroic tales of the Jewish revolt against the Romans & the great sieges in the 1st century AD. But few know that the revolt itself began following a pogrom against the Jews in the city of Caesarea Martima, so lets talk about Caesarea >>
3/ >> Caesarea began as a small Phoenician port from which nothing survived. Today we see the city built as a port city by King Herod between 13-25 BC, called Caesarea in honor of the Roman emperor. >>

* The lawn in the picture It is the inner part of the harbor.
4/ >> The city income was mainly from trade that flowed through its harbor, this can be seen clearly in the spectacular design and splendor of the city. One example is the nymphaeum, a public fountain for beauty & drinking it was a central point in the city for gatherings. >>
5/ >> One of the prominent features in Caesarea is the Hippodrome, an arena for horse & chariot racing, built as a rectangular with round edges. The seats are on the east side so the crowd can watch the races and enjoy the view of the Mediterranean Sea. >>

@WW2girl1944 remember?
6/ >> South of there is Herod's Palace, part of it sank but its foundations can be seen. From the part that sank 2 pieces of mosaic floor were saved. The columns are all restored & the year of manufacture is stamped on them so that they will not be considered ancient. >>
7/ >> The theater in Caesarea is one of the most complete found and can seat 4000 people. The first rule in building a theater is that the audience looks north so that they are not blinded by the sun, in Caesarea the theater faces west to also enjoy the view of the sea. >>
8/ >> Outside of the city is the bird mosaic. The mosaic is the floor of a central courtyard in a Roman villa and contains 120 medallions with paintings of various birds. In addition, a variety of different animals can be seen in the perimeter of the mosaic.

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