turning 30 is really a bruh moment when you realize you cant re-roll your 20s lmfao

all you young niggas out there pls stop just go be normal please
not meming one day you are 20 and you think you are fine and then the next day you are 22 then the next day you are 27 and you will be like "i still have a few more years" then the next day you are a 30 year old boomer

shits not a joke not funny at all save yourselves
You will lie in bed thinking about sexual experiences you had in highschool/shortly afterwards and it will drive you mad knowing its not coming back.

You lucked out if you never touched a woman im not lying
"im gonna abstain from alcohol , partying , and drugs"

^^ big mistake dont do this HAHAHAH what the fuck was i thinking holy mother of god.

"im not paying for my kids to go to college" you better be paying for them to live next to a frat house then.
If you are in your 20s take out a loan and go to the best party school you can find. The money is for life experience not some gay degree. In the future your loans will be paid by the government anyway. Dont do this if you are fat or genuinely autistic tho.
If a girl who is not fat gives you ANY attention , she likes you. Take advantage of this. Get her drunk and play with her vagina
expand your female circle as big as it can get regarding social media. Each one is a potential future mate.
just to scare you fuckers. The past year and a half video games have stopped giving me the dopamine hit.

The darkest deepest secret about "gaming" is this.

You wont enjoy them forever. Eventually that bing bing wahoo part of your brain BURNS OUT
Be funny. This only applies to people who are funny but the second you stop being funny you lose everything about yourself.

being funny on twitter is not the same as being funny IRL unless you are around twitter people
if you can make a girl laugh , like not hehe , but like on the floor , you are a god. dont ever stop doing that.
Be an asshole. Women after middleschool turn into psychopathic morons who want to be abused and ignored more than anything in the world. This is hard to explain how to do. You just have to try it. fake it till you make it.
get into at least a few fights. if you dont know where to start just push somebody outside a bar and it will happen.
not confirmed but If you text women it takes all sexual energy out of communication. call them. Most women are not used to this and will freak out.
read some pua books but dont treat it as gospel and dont spend money on them. most of it is cringy garbage but its a good look into how dumb the female lizard brain is.
own a car. Even if its a piece of shit. If you dont own a car you are a loser , period and nobody will respect you much less a woman
if you are a europoor use prostitutes and force them to talk to you
if you are an american you are shit out of luck
dating apps dont work for men because they are designed explicitly for women to have sex with very attractive men. If you are very attractive man why are you reading this.
If you are into fitness. Use steroids. no reason not to. Who cares if its illegal.
lie to women. make up stories. In the event they find out you lied , you are either deep enough in the relationship they wont care or they will be out of your life anyway
If a woman ever calls you a nice guy in front of peers , hit her unironically.
Its better to be known than unknown. If you are known as the guy who slapped a girl at a party for calling him nice. its better than nobody knowing who you are.
buy smaller shirts
if you have a big dick. Make sure everyone on the planet knows about it.
There is nothing wrong with whores at all. If you accept the fact that all women are whores , you should embrace whores as being the most normal woman.
the beach is a good place to be
the dumber a woman the easier she is to have sex with. The smarter a woman the harder it is , and more importantly , more annoying is to be around.

Do you want the cute moron who follows you around or the PHD who corrects you?
if you find a girl with large breasts and a small frame keep her. the genetics are important
A girls politics are not important unless she makes it an issue. and will , with time , join you politically. there is no fashy waifu waiting for you. all of them listen to billboard 100
ask successful men for advice
if a girl has cut marks she can be controlled emotionally
stay away from girls who own horses
if a girl is a streamer she already has thousands of replacements
If a girl has a white collar career and works with very wealthy and or attractive men you will be replaced
dont even pretend women who are police or military are people.
dyed hair is a warning sign. run

so is natural red hair but its a different warning sign. dont run
have sex its great

If you have ED you will have the worst experience of you life
cardio is good for you. Protect your joints. Do not take risks that could hurt you in the future regarding your body. Sweat alot.
i have run out of grand proclamations
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