Comparing the meltdowns some on the right are having about people referring to Biden as “president-elect” to their 2016 comments after Trump won... it’s informative
It’s just all so predictable
Huckabee was even calling Trump “president-elect” before a single network had called the race for him in 2016. But this time around...
We’ve reached the spaghetti-at-the-wall phase of this. Earlier today @revrrlewis wrote about another attack line from the right, the hitch took a tweet referring to gerrymandering and other built in electoral advantages and tried to make it sound sinister:
It’s also a testament to how quickly narratives spread across conservative media.
Another thing I’ve been seeing pop up on the right: people being really upset that Biden’s transition team has an “Office of the president-elect,” arguing that it’s something he invented to undermine Trump.

We’ve reached the “it’s still good, it’s still good” point of things. They know Trump lost, but they keep trying to talk their audiences (and themselves) into believing that’s not the case.
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