Today is the third and last exact conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn(previous 2020 dates were April 4th & June 30th).

-A thread-
The roots to the struggles we’re going through have long lived under the surface, and the astrology of 2020 has made good on its promise to force us to confront our problems. The struggle for justice and wellness is a worthwhile one, even if it is scary.
We need healing more than we need stability.

We need the truth more than we need comforting platitudes.
We’re still in a pandemic and seeing corruption and abuses of power worldwide.

Find your voice and use it.
Don’t allow pettiness or fear to distract you from what is truly important.
Keep your eyes on the ball and choose what is right, even when it isn’t easy.

(FYI the ball is justice).
You can follow @jessicalanyadoo.
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