After the display of @KarissaScience and that awful presentation done that had to do with WPATH. I will say #intersex people are #notyourprop and this is #interphobia! Intersex has nothing to do with #LGBTQ unless one is TRANS, and that has NOTHING to do with being INTERSEX!
In slide 1 we have this lovely, dehumanizing vision. It implies that there are three variations being Wild type, Mutant type and Translocated type. Using CAIS and De La Chapelle syndrome to make their point. They also stress your chromosomes dictate your gender identity.
First off. Don't call women with CAIS "mutants" Don't call ANY OF US mutants, especially when you tell people not to other you with not just slurs but transman, transwoman.

Secondly I'll be linking the blog of an intersex woman with CAIS:
Unfortunately between this and dehumanizing articles this is how this woman was treated for her miraculous IVF treatment and managing to mature a womb in her body that was there. Just stresses how Hayley's body developed to support ova, even if she herself couldn't create any.
Although I hate using these kind of articles, Hayley's case isn't the only time this has happened, where uterine tissue was actually present. However in this case, the doctors as usual decided to do what they do best..
In this document it specifically says: "Overall, we agree that uterine transplantation is not indicated in CAIS women but not because of their karyotype"
- It leads to "absence of an ovary."

You'll have to use your favorite hack here:
In terms of CAIS women unfortunately much like any other intersex condition, the deep details of reactions and understanding details such as treatment of medicine are a mystery. A CAIS woman herself could probably tell you better then I.
Welcome to ridiculous slide #2, the good old brain study. Neuroscience at best currently is juvenile and concludes nothing. Currently people practicing in the field can tell you that we have evidence leaning toward the brain being like plastic, moldable.
I don't even know where to begin with this one, but it once again includes intersex where it doesn't belong. I'd hope I've made my point here but I'll be wrapping things up here on why sex is binary and trans activists need to stop.
Some intersex people do identify as trans, but intersex people themselves have no connection to being trans according to what studies were performed.
In conclusion, trans activists need to stop expressing interphobia and going against what our organizations keep saying. Which is to keep us out of this argument because it doesn't benefit intersex children in any way.
Arguably. It hurts #intersex children and puts even more pressure on accepting an "othered" identity or urgency into surgery to be "normal."

So stop with the co-opting of intersex bodies and narratives, trans activists.
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