The Democratic Party has approved and submitted two covid relief bills.
The Republican Party and their control over the Senate and the Whitehouse is blocking it.
The Democratic Party which currently controls the house passed a 2.2 trillion dollar spending bill to relieve American citizens of some of the economic burden Covid has placed on their shoulders.
The Democratic Party would like to give you another 1200 dollars.
They would like to reinstate the 600 dollar a week unemployment benefits.
They would like to put $225 billion into education and $57 billion into child care
They would like to put $75 billion into Covid-19 testing and contact tracing efforts
They want to do a second round of PPP loans.
They would like to put billions of dollars into a fund that would help pay your rent or mortgage.
The Republican Party does not give a shit about anybody who is not in the top 10% earners in the country.
Stop all that both sides shit.
A lot of y’all hate on Nancy but this was an excellent bill that would have and still could provide a lot of relief for a lot of Americans who need help right now.
Fuck all that both sides shit.
@SpeakerPelosi don’t take your foot on they necks. We got leverage now.
Raise the numbers and add more requirements for big businesses on the next round.
Fuck em.
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