🦠🦠🦠 33,470 positives. There is no clarity about where the Liverpool pilot cases using lateral flow rapid kits are being counted.

But TESTS processed by pillar refers specifically to LAB processed and PCR tests so should not include these tests that do not fit definitions
HOWEVER the tests processed indicates a large gap between alleged test CAPACITY under P1 and P2 (see top RH photo) and tests actually processed under those pillars ⬇️

353k processed (claimed to be Lab RT-PCR tests)


518k alleged capacity

And where are the Liverpool tests
I shall look again at deaths as currently the identical data displayed yesterday on death by report and also still shows yesterday’s date by the 595.

It may be updated separately.
🏥 Last full report for admissions from all four nations was on Monday 8th November

1668 new COVID patients in a day:- day after day after relentless day.
🛌 Patients IN a hospital.

The last four nations data is for TUESDAY 10th November.


Not far off 75% of the Spring peak.

On top of routine NHS work and emergencies.

It must feel like a Tsunami to frontline NHS personnel.
@Dr_D_Robertson and @DPH_MAshton suggest that the Liverpool lateral flow pilot positives are confirmed by RT-PCR tests, but given threads from yesterday suggesting that unclears were sent for RT-PCR confirmation it would be good to see the protocol.
Also to help understand positivity levels and how many possible misses.

Hard to tell when looking at positives by specimen date as there is a lag of a few days. Relatively few come in the first two or three days.
So there were 31,466 positives in 2/11/20, but just under 19k reported on that day.

It took four days for most of the positives from swabbing on that day to be registered with more being added over the remaining few days.
There is an 8k leap between 8/11/20 and 9/11/20 with the higher figure being on the 9th.

Was that the Liverpool pilot effect?

All positives and/or unclears being sent for RT-PCR confirmation?
It will also impact transfer of case delays and tracing operation to bite so quite a lot of interesting data to be unpicked I hope.

If it picks up a load of positives that would otherwise be missed that would be very good news - so long as people isolate and contacts quarantine
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