After having a conversation with an elderly neighbor and based on previous convos I had with family, I don’t think it’s been reported how much the ginned up fear over RIOTS played in this election.
There is a lot of fear from those who aren’t closely following the news but for whom those shots of cities being looted and burnt really struck a chord.
I think most of us on the left thought of that coverage as a distraction from peaceful protests, even as an opportunity to discuss generational disenfranchisement... but for a lot of people on the right it was the only story they heard.
The cities are burning. Angry mobs are out. What if they come to me next? For my 97 year old neighbor, it’s terrifying even if it’s a total lie.
For rural consumers of Fox News... how would they know it isn’t the truth? They think the cities are burning and crazy liberals are the reason. Lost in an echo chamber, nuance and truth have no chance.
It’s just anecdotal, but I’ve been shocked by the number of people who have brought up the looting and violence as a major factor in their view of the election.

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