This morning PHAC released another batch of COVID-19 data via StatCan, and BC is still refusing to provide data on occupation to PHAC. How is it ok for a province to simply refuse to comply with federal case reporting standards in the middle of a pandemic?
The case report for got updated and is now collecting more comprehensive data on occupation, adapting to what we learned about COVID. Which is great. But FFS, we only learn things if provinces actually provide the data.
Occupation is not the only part of the federal case report form that BC refuses to share. Symptoms is another section one that BC inexplicably stopped sharing. No information on asymptomatic status, or any details on symptoms after episode week 20. How is this ok?
So how is it that, during a pandemic, provinces can just decide to not share data with PHAC on a whim? Mario Possamai, senior adviser to the original 2007 SARS report, explained this in detail in his recent report.
Honestly, I don't know what's more messed up: That PHAC can't or doesn't force provinces to provide this data, or that some provinces, in particular BC, choose to value inter-jurisdictional bickering over helping Canada understand the national picture and mount a unified response
The case detail section of the federal form got updated too. Looking forward to seeing finer geography (FSA) data, as well as data on ethnicity. -- At least for the provinces that will choose to provide this information.
Is BC the only offender here? No. Most provinces are providing this data, but if you want to excuse BC's behaviour by pointing to other provinces you can probably find someone that's worse. In particular, recent case report data from Quebec is not available at all.
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