Whether or not fireworks should be used should be in the jurisdiction of the legislature not the judiciary.

Let elected governments take such decisions and let them be accountable for it. Governments are very happy to pass the buck to the judiciary. This is deeply inappropriate.
To say that if fireworks are used they violate some fundamental rights of others is a stretch. Pollution of all kinds can be a year long issue even if the extent varies. The deeper problem is that this remains completely ad hoc and bereft of any first principles of jurisprudence.
Moreover the ad hoc and last moment nature of many of these (unaccountable) decisions is a big commercial loss for sellers and manufacturers/importers of fireworks. You may not feel much empathy for them but for them it is their entire livelihoods especially in a very tough year.
The decision is anti-Hindu to the extent that such a blasé attitude would not be used for festivals of other religions. But equally importantly it continues the judiciary’s ad hoc intervention into commercial areas. The judiciary is supposed to protect, not undermine rule of law.
Quite frankly if a PM or a CM lays out a plan to curb air and sound pollution etc because of festivals of all religions I may warm up to the idea depending on the details. We do need a wholesome environment for our families and all rights have to be in balance. But no not ad hoc.
Short of wartime/warzones etc, rule of law and due process is what makes us civilised and humane. John Adams was in a deeply hypocritical 18th century colonial and post colonial America but he famously legally appeared for British soldiers despite emotions running high in Boston.
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