Here's why medicare for all should be a RIGHT WING position. A thread:
It'll be better for the economy! A medicare for all system would actually be 13% cheaper overall and even a Koch funded study found medicare for all would save around $2 TRILLION over a 10 year period. Some have even said it would save enough to start paying down our nation debt!
Pro life! If you're pro life, you want to do everything you can to LOWER abortion rates. Countless studies have repeatedly shown that access to free contraceptives lowers the rate of unplanned pregnancies (duh) that's the #1 reason for abortion.
Traditional values! It's a fact that the nuclear family structure is the best for children. Medicare for all would allow for more people to have children and take care of them properly. This could lower the rate of abortions also!
Nationalism. If you really wanna larp around about "our national identity" or something, then it makes complete and total sense that we as a nation can take care of our own!
Saving YOU money. One of the main arguments against medicare for all is the prospect of raising taxes. We want to save money! But higher taxes won't matter overall when we're saving significant amounts of money on health care. We'd still walk away with more money in our pocket.
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