Ok Earth Signs... Come catch this read real quick
Earth signs have this invisible pressure on them to be “better” at all times. This pressure comes from growing up in a household where authority was misused and overused.
The person who called the shots in the house seemed like the person who felt that they didn’t have much to work on within themselves. This is usually a parent with a big or imbalanced ego. One of the parents (absent or present) felt like they were justified in acting shitty
This causes earth signs to REALLY hold on to and defend any authority they feel they get from being “right” as an adult.
They’re too hard on themselves and once they feel they are actually right about something, they become irrationally stubborn about it because it’s the only time they actually feel in control in a situation.
Earth signs are always battling between feeling “in control” and “out of control” of situations (and people tbh) because they feel like this decides whether they’ll be treated fairly or not because their view of authority has been damaged by a parent who was doing too much.
Ok... Taurus usually grows up in a household where there’s at least one overbearing parent that borders on emotionally tyranny. This parent needs to be control of everything and everyone in the household. Down to everyone’s mood or how they emote.
They’re constantly told how they’re “doing this wrong”. The parent can often feel well intentioned, but they’re overbearing to the point where Taurus becomes resentful of authority figures.
When Taurus gets older, it can be hard for them to distinguish someone’s intentions when someone is offering help because the “overbearing, make you feel small” shadow from their parent is still hovering over the concept of “help”.
This causes Taurus to get irrationally defensive or suspicious when someone gets “too involved” or too close to their works in progress. Whether that’s themselves, a work or personal project etc.
This can cause Taurus to get a bad wrap for being “mean” and “hypersensitive” but it’s really them getting triggered because they have to heal the trauma connected to the concept of “help” that makes them feel small and causes them to lash out to protect themselves.
Virgos Mother is usually stressed because it seems like everyone else in the family is failing at pulling their weight. Even as a child, this could make Virgo feel like a bother as well. Virgo was always told what NOT to be how NOT to do something and what’s NOT ok.
Even when well intentioned, Virgo learned lessons from a negative perspective like “you don’t wanna end up like this” “don’t be like that person” etc. and that created some unnecessary inner turmoil that causes Virgo to be “on edge” as an adult.
Virgo is ALWAYS afraid of ending up as something “negative” or “undesirable” if they don’t get everything RIGHT to a T the FIRST time.
This can also put Virgo’s in a self sabotaging negative space when they do feel like they messed up, because now to them, that fuck up defines them and everyone else will define them as their fuck ups as well.
It’s possible there’s even a lot of gossiping that goes on in the family when growing up so they get the subconscious belief everybody is viewing them negatively anyway.
Virgo is ALWAYS on guard to not be viewed negatively, but having that subconscious defense up causes everything in their environment to feel a littleee negative so it puts them in a slightly stressed or anxious space even when they’re at home watching tv minding their business
The adults Capricorn grew up around were incredibly insensitive to emotions and emotional well being. So little Capricorn felt like an idiot most of the time growing up in their household.
Their emotions were rarely validated so it made Capricorn feel like they were the crazy one bc no one was making any sense when it came to emotional matters and issues. This made resentful to emotions, “weakness” and being open.
Capricorn’s learned that to “fit in” with their family, they had to almost “dumb down” their own emotional awareness and intelligence which as an adult cause causes them to feel “down” or depressed at times because they’re not feeding their full emotional spectrum.
Everything can be emotionally muted for Capricorn bc of how they grew up like excitement, anger, happiness etc. they only feel like part of their feelings consciously so they never feel “settled” after expressing themselves because there’s more that’s inaccessible.
Capricorn learned to become “measured” for the sake of not offending those around them. This can cause them to feel not good enough. And it’s actually because they aren’t fully being themselves, so it creates dissatisfaction that comes out as a shitty mood and pessimism.
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