well, I have thoughts, as you can imagine https://twitter.com/lynnkthurston/status/1326862113550331904
first of all, this is supposed to evoke a lot of things:
- 'we' occupy the awkward position of not being the donor but the beneficiary
- this upsets a presumed global racial-national hierarchy
- the health equivalent of 'we are a banana republic' or whatever bs
second of all, MSF is a kind of symbol, an easy referent for all of the above. third, most iNGOs have to navigate and negotiate their presence in new countries. this process varies across contexts, not sure how this works in places where bureaucratic/admin stuff isn't in place
fourth, there's never just one NGO. wonder what staffing and financing that staffing looks like. where does one set up field hospitals, who will constitute the 'local' staff at the rates MSF pays, what will be the basis of community under these circumstances
will groups like this partner with community-based organizations to deliver services to communities in distress?
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