And they harp on this. They don't wanna let this dumb shit go. STOP SAYING THIS. Sit with why y'all are so GD hellbent on this nonsensical term. Stop continuously asking me the same questions that I've answered & made numerous videos about. SIT WITH WHY YOU WANT SO BAD TO AVOID.
Stop asking me why you shouldn't use "white-passing" and instead ASK YOURSELF WHY *YOU* USE IT. That is the issue. YOU. ARE THE ISSUE.
If people are seeing you as white....mmmmmm you might just um *checks notes* be white. Race is literally how you look and "present." I don't "look like a Black woman" I am a Black woman. Then y'all wanna say "I'm not white, I'm Colombian" OKAY?????? Your nationality. AND????
You may have various ancestries. Ok and? So do I. Does that stop y'all from describing me as "negra"? Hmmmm?
I'm black in every single latin american country and in the U.S. but y'all get to be white in every single last latin american country yet somehow transform into "white-passing" once in the U.S. please explain that to me. Quickly.
Y'all wanna make "white-passing" Latinx make sense so bad. And It doesn't.
Just say you are not Anglo or U.S. white & go. And the gag is a lot of folks using this term have actually been socialized by & large more Anglo than anything. Have more ties to U.S. Anglo dominant culture than not, yet still wanna claim an imaginary non-white "brown" identity.
The next argument is "when u.s. whites see my name" ok. what's your point. They can imagine you as non-white yet do y'all normally go screaming out your name on the streets? I know I don't. Let me know if this is something you do. I'm very curious.
Y'all done ran "brown" into the ground and I'm no longer accepting it. The "morenizando" so as not to confront race. From the extremes of always tryna "brown up" Black Latin Americans to "browning up" of white Latin Americans. Y'all will do everything to avoid the truth.
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