1/3 In all seriousness @Betfair refusing to settle the election market is scummy AF. They changed the terms of the bet just to keep the market open and keep making $ from an event that's already over. If they can't count to 270, at the VERY least they need to freeze the market.
2/3 Instead @Betfair keeps making insane amounts of $ from post-election bets. IMO idiots who are firing on Trump now have a legit case to sue these greedy cunts when it's over because they had no chance to win to begin with. Betfair breaking their own rules could turn ugly fast.
3/3 This is what the terms of the market says: "Who will be elected to be the president". Not "who will be inaugurated". The election was 9 days ago. If you think the results are unclear, cool, we can wait. But you need to freeze the market and not let people bet on past events.
4/4 I'll solve your problem for you @Betfair. Settle the election markets or at least freeze them. Then open another market such as "Who will be in the White House on Feb 1st". That's a bet Trump bettors can actually win, and you won't be actively scamming them. You're welcome!
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