On interacting with other, more experienced traders. When reaching out to ask questions or gain insight, think carefully about how and what you say/ask.

Take the time to carefully draft out your question. Do not ask generic questions. 1/8
Make sure you are not asking a question that can be easily googled. Come to the conversation prepared. Take the time to understand what you're asking about. Show the individual that you're reaching out to, that you're neither lazy or stupid. 2/8
If a friend is going to teach me options for example. I will come to the conversation having already learned the basics. Furthermore, I will come prepared with specific questions I intend to ask. It's not a good look for you, when you come underprepared. 3/8
This ultimately translates to many aspects of life. Show up prepared or get runover by those who put in the effort. Intelligence w/o effort is meaningless, just as effort w/o understanding. 4/8
I was lucky to have been able to form friendships with traders who had more experience than myself. I'm convinced that I was able to do this because I simply put in the effort to understand and showed my peers I was here to stay. 5/8
If you want to learn from others, show them you're not the typical CT trader.

It helps to have a good sense of humor I'll add. You don't want to just think someone is smart but is enjoyable to be around as well. 6/8
In 2020 I went from a 100 follower account w/ almost zero trading friends..
To having become friends with my mentors and those whom I looked up to for years now. 7/8
To summarize.
Come prepared with an understanding of the subject, drafting out your questions carefully
Recognize when to be light hearted and have a good time joking around 8/8

Cheers all
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