I am going to pin my annual tracker of anti-trans bills. Legislatures are starting early and are extra cruel this year despite the pandemic. The judiciary is even more hostile so we need to stop these from passing. I will keep updating as more bills come.
Alabama's very first pre-filed bill HB1 (as in, HB ONE, First House Bill filed) is a felony ban on treating trans young people and would force the outing of trans and questioning youth in schools. Text: http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/ALISON/SearchableInstruments/2021RS/PrintFiles/HB1-int.pdf
Texas has pre-filed a similar ban on health care for trans youth. This bill would make treating trans young people consistent with prevailing medical standards of care "CHILD ABUSE" under state law. HB68 Text: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/HB00068I.pdf#navpanes=0
Tennessee has introduced a wholesale ban on trans young people participating in athletics (including those who transition pre-puberty) and would likely bar many intersex athletes. HB3 Text: http://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/HB0003.pdf
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