Making plans for Thanksgiving or the holiday season? Will multiple households or social bubbles come together? This paper presents a case study of transmission from an asymptomatic index case at a family gathering.
In @CDCMMWR, Schwartz et al describe a #COVID19 outbreak at a family gathering including members from 5 different households in 4 states. The 13-year-old index case had been exposed to #COVID19 but had a negative rapid antigen test prior to the event. 
Overall, 11 of 19 family members were infected; all 11 stayed at the same house as the index case and developed symptoms of #COVID19. Two family members did not have symptoms but tested positive for antibodies, suggesting earlier infection with #SARSCov2.
The 6 family members who were not infected and did not have previous exposure did not stay at the same house, maintained physical distance, and remained outdoors. Four were tested later and were negative by RT-PCR.
Strengths: There was nearly complete exposure, symptom, contacts, and testing data for the individuals in this family, allowing for a detailed investigation of this outbreak at a family gathering.
Limitations: Family members had contact outside the group prior to the event, so it is possible that there was another source of #SARSCov2 transmission besides the index case, although the evidence suggests that the adolescent was the source of the outbreak.
Summary: This paper demonstrates transmission between family members at gatherings where mask use and physical distancing are not utilized. These results highlight that young people can be the source of an outbreak even without developing symptoms.
Some families may consider postponing until next year. If gathering, keep the guest list small & have everyone lower their chances of bringing the virus to the event by choosing safe activities in the 14 days beforehand: using masks, avoiding indoor events, & physical distancing.
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