its ok to just step outside of your own identity and have some empathy. if others are reaching out to explain why reproduction and fertility is a sensitive topic, maybe just don't shrug them off as delusional fans making stuff up.
i'll level with you and say rey's last scene is up to the viewer's interpretation. however, the mandalorian's episode explicitly states and dedicates dialogue and plot to why a character's eggs are important. we see her risk her own life for these eggs. so, yeah, its different.
a lot of this criticism is justified, but it doesn't mean anyone is going to go off and start a monetized hate campaign about it. we just want to be heard and understood that a lot of star war's current storytelling isn't intersectional and considerate of all audiences.
and honestly, this isn't a one-off thing. by itself, ya, the discourse can seem a bit silly. but sw has consistently shown aggressive and violence towards women, even pregnant mothers, for the entertainment of a predominantly male audience. that's just the facts.
also the "its not fertilized, its like a grocery store chicken egg" argument is kinda unproductive when you consider that baby yoda eats a ready-to-hatch arachnid egg in the exact same episode - that alien just isn't given the same screen time as frog lady (what is her name?)
it would have been cool if the gag was used as a learning lesson for baby yoda, not just for comedic relief. din could learn about his dietary needs, while baby yoda shows nurturing care and protection (which we've already seen him do for din in season one).
i'm not going to stop watching mando and i'm not going to stop buying baby yoda toys. all I'm asking is for some consideration and for some diversity in the writing rooms to let you know when things can be insensitive. because this isn't the first time and it's getting insulting.
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