Freedom, peace, love.

One source of anxiety: a double bind.

So many pastors I know want to be Eugene Peterson or Henri Nouwen, but also want to be on the Outreach list or Catalyst stage. Neither is bad of course, but choose you this day.

Faithfulness first. Soul care first. Drinking in the streams of grace you so eloquently tell others about first.

And then these things may or may not be added unto you.

A final word on COVID and ER. It is also exposing our congregant's discipleship.

Lots of shifting and shuffling going on. Lots of preference driven decisions.

God is good. In the shaking, there is grace. stay firm on your vision and values.

Cast a compelling, beautiful vision for the beauty and mess of the local church and how each of us are essential for it to thrive. Let God manage the shuffling and shifting.

And fight hard for peace today.

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