OK, because this is complicated and requires a number of things to happen that would trigger other things to happen, a Thursday morning THREAD on the leadership changes likely on tap today the Minnesota Senate.

Also, there's some history here to revisit.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a strong backer of Joe Biden's prez campaign, could be in line for a cabinet position in his admin come January.

If she leaves the Senate, Gov. Walz has the authority to appoint her replacement. One name buzzing around is Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan.
IF Sen. Amy Klobuchar leaves the Senate and IF her replacement is Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, that triggers a constitutional provision that requires the president of the Minnesota Senate to fill the vacancy of lieutenant governor.

Here's that provision: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/constitution/#:~:text=The%20last%20elected%20presiding%20officer,devolves%20on%20the%20lieutenant%20governor
If nothing else changes, the Senate President, who is currently Sen. Jeremy Miller, R-Winona, would become lt gov. That's a problem for Republicans, bc they will have a one-vote majority in January.

It would put the chamber in a temporary tie until a special election is held.
This has ACTUALLY happened in Minnesota before, bc of course it has.

In January 2018, Gov Dayton appointed then Lt Gov Tina Smith to replace Franken in the U.S. Senate. Republican Senate President Michelle Fischbach became Lt Gov

Republicans had a one-vote majority then, too
But at the time Fischbach challenged the constitutional provision, arguing she could serve in dual roles as Lt gov and senator. A court case challenging that assertion was tossed out. A second lawsuit was pending, but after session ended resigned from the Senate and became Lt Gov
Now, Majority Leader Paul Gazelka is saying he wants to avoid that whole "fiasco" with a possible vote today to make a DFL senator president of the chamber. So IF Klobuchar leaves the Senate and IF Flanagan is her replacement then a DFLer will become lieutenant gov

Got that?
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