I think a key question for any newer right is whether it will fight hard *for* every vote, aspiring to the majorities Nixon and Reagan won, or whether it will be content to try to grasp the levers of state power on behalf of a 45-48 percent coalition. https://twitter.com/josh_hammer/status/1326693021656756231
The promise of Against-the-Dead-Consensus arguments on the right is that they aspire to build a *majoritarian* populism, not just sustain a defensive coalition propped up by a Senate edge. The voter-fraud fixation belongs to a we-can't-win-majorities mentality, not a winning one.
Against-the-Dead-Consensus conservatives should be spinning the results of a high-turnout election optimistically for their project. The GOP did not, in fact, collapse when more people voted! Trump even did a little better with black voters in Dem cities!
"We need lawsuits that identify the 187 illegal votes cast by black Detroiters and Philadelphians in an election that was actually decided by swings of tens of thousands of white voters in the suburbs" just seems like the wrong project for aspiring multi-ethnic populists.
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