Meanwhile an important message from Obama to Biden from his memoir, via @CNN: "The [2010] election didn't prove our agenda had been wrong. It just proved that... I'd failed to rally the nation, as FDR had once done, behind what I knew to be right. Which to me was just as damning"
Obama tries to defend McCain over Palin: "I'd like to think that given the chance to do it over again, he might have chosen differently. I believe he really did put his country first."

Erm, in May 2018, NYT reported that McCain "continues to defend Ms. Palin’s performance.” !!!
"One of the reasons I'd chosen Joe to act as an intermediary...was my awareness that in McConnell's mind, negotiations with the [VP] didn't inflame the Republican base in quite the same way that any appearance of cooperation with (Black, Muslim socialist) Obama was bound to do"!!
A reminder from Obama himself, to all the 'what about Obama-Trump voters? How can *they* be racist?' folks, that white people who vote for a black man can still have racist attitudes (or be, per the political scientists, "racially resentful"). From CNN:
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