1/ Everyone seems *really* sure that Trump will retain relevance and politico-cultural power in the aftermath of his loss and -- I'm just not so sure! It's totally plausible that he will, but it seems to me equally plausible that he really fades.
2/ So, consider: His feud with Fox News only intensifies after he leaves office, as it feels even less need to propitiate him. Some of his most diehard followers migrate to OANN or Trump News or whatever, but most stick with Fox because they're used to it and it's easy to find.
3/ Democrats and a decent number of Republicans who never liked him to begin with now regard him as a loser, which dents the aura he somehow managed to previously project as a winner.
4/ Meanwhile, other Republicans are now the face of the party -- first, congressional leadership, and then anyone who announces for the presidency in '24. They take up a lot of the oxygen on the right side of the room.
5/ And this is before we get to the likelihood that an obese man in his mid-70s who has had Covid is likely to decline at least somewhat in capacity and energy over the next 4 years.
6/6 Now, as I said, totally possible that he remains the central figure in the GOP. Lots of people spinning out very solid reasons why that could happen. But I thought it was at least getting out there some reasons why he might not. /Fin/
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