reasons why CeoOfKobe Fans is terrible:
How the fuck can a TOP 33-38 PLAYER AT BEST can be better than steph curry a top 15 player AT WORST, none the less it pretty much shows he hates curry, he calls anybody who defends steph curry a curry stan LITERALLY ANYBODY, he literally called @GoatJames_SZN a curry stan LMFAO.
im pretty sure he knows how good and how good curry can be if he watched his favorite basketball player of all time play him for 4 years straight, hes delusional asf how can you him a curry stan, LOOK AT HIS FUCKING NAME LMFOAOOOO WHAT??????, jesus christ.
like how can someone wake up and say "CEO OF KOBE FANS KNOWS A LOT ABOUT BASKETBALL!!!" he also literally said he never lost an argument and thinks hes the best debater on this app, LMFAOOOOOOO, theres instances where he literally backs down on arguments and gets ratioed
and he doesnt respond because hes a pussy, has to quote tweet anything because hes a dumbass, and if you get ratioed on literally 80% of your debates that says something about your delusional ass takes, someone literally said prove why stockton is better,
look, at least he knows hes stupid though, because he said "if i state the facts youre not gonna believe me anyways" SO HE LITERALLY KNOWS HE AN IDIOT, how is @KobeIsNotTop10 smarter than you? at least he knows something about basketball you're just an idiot.
not to mention his 3rd fav player is literally westbrook, and 98.9% of westbrook stans hate curry and say hes trash because curry ended his franchise in only 1 YEAR LMFAOOOO, and there was one instance where he said KAT>JOKIC or KAT>EMBIID, as a hot take, i want to believe
he said KAT>EMBIID but knowing his CEO's fucking dumbass he probably said KAT>JOKIC, THERE IS NO REASONING TO THAT I THINK WE ALL KNOW WHY JOKIC IS BETTER NO NEED TO EXPLAIN, and he also dropped 8 hot takes and went 0/8. how.? and he makes an excuse,
"stockton was out of his prime in the finals" guess his dumbass was carried (LIKE USUAL) by Karl Malone. And he says he doesnt criticize and actually praises curry, LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. hes literally an ignorant scrawny 15 year old white boy whos retarded.
how can you hold stephen curry accountable for having 0 FMVPS yet stockton was arguably never a superstar in his career never came in top 8 of mvp (proves something abt his stats) and has 0 CHIPS. jesus you're an idiot.

the fact that this is like 10-13 reasons is absurd.
as always tho #FUCKCEO @CEOofKobeFans
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