Why are so many seats unopposed? Because the SC leg is intentionally designed to exclude people from serving. Here’s how:

1. It’s a PT leg. That’s a Jan-Jun, Tues-Thurs commitment. Most people don’t have that kind of flexibility in their jobs, which they need because... https://twitter.com/samwithans/status/1326624004006940672
2. The pay is really, really low. Like, just over $10k with a per diem.

3. That means the only people who CAN serve are either independently wealthy, self-employed, high up at their place of employment, or retired.
That actively excludes most people, but especially women, BIPOC, and young people.

Systems work exactly as they are designed to. This system is intent on concentrating power into the hands of the already powerful. It makes recruiting for these seats very challenging.
You can follow @KimforSC.
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