⏰ #HLE7 - @TSKB_Turkey | Role and impact of #DevelopmentBanks in the achievement of #GenderEquality #SDG5

For this new session, let's greet our moderator @_DanSeymour, Director Strategic Partnerships at @UN_Women 👋
"Gender equality is at the core of #SDG5 @UN of course, but women’s and girls empowerment is essential to reach all the 16 others #SDGs"
"We need new partnerships & innovative financing to tackle growing gender inequalities. Major efforts have been made, and #PDBs have played an important part in this achievement, but we need to do more"
@odelphine, Secretary General of the @GenEgaliteFR Forum
"Many #PDBs have already decided to integrate gender across their operations and measure their gender-related impact. We need to go further, and we're kicking off a movement to rally all PDBs willing to empower women and foster #genderequality"
"While #COVID19 increased the gender gap with women being more impacted, we at @IDFC_Network put gender equality as a key catalyst for economic growth"
Meral Murathan, Executive VP @TSKB_Turkey and coordinator of the gender group in @IDFC_Network
"2 years ago, a working group within @IDFC_Network has been created. We identified topics with huge gender-related gaps, such as informal economy. The results of the study helps us to foster financial & none financial resources"
Meral Murathan @TSKB_Turkey
"Advancing gender equality equals economic growth. Women are the engines of the eco: #Africa has the highest rate of women entrepreneur and they reinvest money in health, education & community"
@VanessaMoungar Dir of Gender, Women & Civil Society @AfDB_Group
➡️Mainstream gender into everything we do
➡️Enable policy dialogues, showing it lead to higher GDP
➡️Support financial institutions at local level so women can access funding
➡️Support women to build capacities in an environment where they can thrive
"In June 2018, #2XChallenge was launched by the DFis from the G7 to mobilise private sectors to foster #genderequality.
End 2019, 4.5BN€ have been mobilized towards women’s economic empowerment."

AM Levesque, Head of Gender and Impact @FinDev_Canada
" @theGCF established a strong #genderequality plan.
If institutions including #PBDS do not have the capacity to align to the #SDGs there is a fund to help them and ensure they comply with the conditions."
S. Negussie
"Private investments are designed to undertake a gender analysis and advance #genderequality.
We do need intervention to reduce gender gap."
Seblewongel Negussie, Gender and Social Specialist, @theGCF
📢A new statement on #genderequality and #women’s empowerment to strengthen #PDBs' commitment by increasing their funding and accountability for gender equality. #FinanceInCommon2020
By @Adfi_Africa @AECID_es @AFD_en @AfDB_Group @_ALIDE_ @Bancoldex @BancoBDMG @bice_arg @CABEI_Org
This coalition contributes to #SDGs and inclusiveness through better alignment of #genderequality with climate and biodiversity commitments, through the development of a gender-responsive climate change finance.
➡️ https://bit.ly/3plSws3 
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