Morning! More reading for people who need to be reminded that panicking is not only not helpful, it actively helps Trump in his coup efforts. This article analyzing Turkey's failed coup is really good stuff.
"In coups, then, perception is reality," because "coups are typically marked by defections to whatever side appears to be winning, rather than outright military conflict between factions".

To win, coup organizers need to trick people into thinking their victory is inevitable.
One important way to trick the public into thinking your victory is inevitable is by getting your opponents to panic. Their panic reinforces public perception that your side is strong and that your victory is inevitable. This causes the public to side with the coup.
So, when you are feeling panic, remember: The more panic, the stronger Trump's hand. Do some yoga. Go for a run. Read articles reminding you that Trump isn't going to win. Above all, keep your panic off social media.

We got this, folks!
Remember, "don't panic" isn't about your feelings, as much as I care about them. It's about strategy. Our panic creates the impression Trump is winning, which helps him. So don't do that. Be strategic.
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