It’s National Apprenticeship Week! Good news: the National Apprenticeship Act of 2020 from @EdLaborCmte will be on the House floor for a vote next week. A thread for #NAW2020: 1/8
The National Apprenticeship Act of 2020 would provide a much-needed revamp of the nation’s registered apprenticeship system. 2/8
One of the biggest things the bill would do is provide formula funds to the states to expand apprenticeships. That’s crucial because it would give states more certainty and ability to plan. 3/8
Building a robust apprenticeship system takes time, and our funding structure should reflect this. 4/8
The bill would also provide funding for equity intermediaries, which develop tools and strategies to help underrepresented groups succeed in apprenticeships. 5/8
The bill would expand apprenticeship opportunities in growing industries like IT and health care by providing grant funds to industry intermediaries. 6/8
And it would also protect apprentices through actions like safety and quality requirements and benefits like progressively higher pay as apprentices master more skills. 7/8
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