Gonna throw something kind of controversial out there: I'm uncomfortable with immigrants artists in the UK (myself included)-particularly immigrants from the 'global North' &/or colonising countries-who left their home countries voluntarily using the term 'migrant' to self-define
My great x2 grandparents who fled the pogroms in Poland, Belarus & throughout the Pale were migrants. I, a middle-class American Ashkenazi (re: white) Jew who came to the UK to train at the ROYAL Central School of Speech of Drama & could afford to pay for a visa to stay, am not.
Obviously everyone is entitled to their own language and should self-define as they see fit! I won't take anyone's language from them! That's not my place! But...it feels like maybe we should have this conversation.
Linguistic frameworks are constantly evolving & the right terminology is a moving target-I don't begrudge the work in progress. BUT I would love for those of us to whom this applies to move towards a different term that doesn't appropriate a very different experience
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