Investigative journalists would do well to dig into the situation at the GSA: what role has Emily Murphy played in facilitating no-bid contracts that account for $9.4B+ in CARES Act funding?

from GAO report:
A journalist might start by asking about this transaction in particular — perhaps why the huge lump sum?
A follow-up question might be: how does that transaction relate to the funding windfall that Iowa Gov. Reynolds announced just a month later.

Yet another follow-up question would be: why did the description of the transaction not include relevant context as illustrated below?

source: my analysis of HHS data. ( )
Also worth asking: How was this justified at a time when Iowa’s case rate and % positivity paled in comparison to that of North and South Dakota?
Last but not least: might be worth asking Emily if Trump ever mentioned Iowa’s importance as he did at a Des Moines rally:
This is easier said than done. This particular contract, for example, is currently set to expire the week before inauguration.

This creates a situation where . @Transition46 will be forced re-up/extend the contracts —> tacitly endorse the Trump Admin’s deals

CC @RonaldKlain
And now, this:
Unrelated to anything, I’m sure.

H/T @ifindkarma
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