I'm grateful to have been allowed on air by @BBCPolitics, for the second time this year.
But it drives me mad that Farage and the dark money thinktanks are on every day, while it's an event to see anyone to the left of Keir Starmer.
We're considered extremists. They aren't.
The BBC has been phenomenally useless over the government's pandemic failures, to give just one example. Only now is it beginning to cover the scandals that some of us have been writing about for 5 months. It should be leading on this stuff, not trailing miles behind.
The heavy lifting has been done by the @GoodLawProject, @openDemocracy, @BylineTimes and a few of us at the @Guardian. But the BBC, with its far greater resources, has looked the other way, until the pressure became so great that it was forced to allow a small amount of coverage.
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