Hi 👋 I'm Jade Talbot, a PhD Student at @OfficialUoM @UoM_MRC_DTP based at @MCRCnews and @SBioDC, and I will briefly give an update of my project #UoMMRCScienceShow
The person after me is @comeflywithJo, so you're in for a treat! @FBMH_DocAcad @The_MRC #AcademicChatter #phdchat
My project is entitled 'Novel approaches to #ProstateCancer detection, diagnosis and stratification', and as I am an iCase student, I am partnered with the company #BioventixPlc who manufacture sheep antibodies used in diagnostic applications
PSA is a protein used to diagnose and as a progression marker for prostate cancer. #BioventixPlc have manufactured 3 anti-PSA antibodies which I am currently optimising so the linear correlation occurs between 1 - 10 ng/ml for use in a Sandwich Assay ELISA, as this is a grey area
SWATH-MS is a data-independent acquisition technique of discovery proteomics. It allows a complete and permanent record of all fragment ions detected from each sample. This allows for a 'deep dive' of proteomics, instead of only focusing on a select number of proteins
Because of the amount of data produced by just one run of SWATH-MS on a sample, a comprehensive informatic pipeline was produced by @SBioDC, of which I presented a poster in last years @bmss_official annual meeting
The data is currently still being analysed for 350 samples from the Guernsey cohort. Stringent informatic QC's need to be completed, as well as deciding what kind of biomarker would be relevant for the clinic, diagnostic, classification, progression or response to treatment
This all depends on the patient information collected, and how good my R skills are which has been my main mission whilst working from home...
In the future, I hope to confirm PSA levels from my patient cohort using the optimised PSA ELISA in collaboration with #Bioventixplc.
The cohort is also being analysed by @WatersCorp using their MetaboQuan assay to analyse metabolomics present in the samples
I'm also currently analysing the cohort in a side project funded by the #DGEMBE collaboration between @OfficialUoM and @UCT_news identifying auto-antibodies using @Sengenics microarray technology.
That's all folks! Currently spinning a few plates and hoping not to drop any. Hope you enjoyed my part in the #UoMMRCScienceShow, as well as the other people presenting today. Let me hand over to @comeflywithJo
You can follow @JadeTalbot_.
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